Friday, December 31, 2010
Before K-ON!, there was BECK
Well, here you have it folks, the last entry for 2010, in which I'll post my two cents on this one particular musical anime series. I'll hopefully write another post by tomorrow, on new year resolutions and stuff.
At the time of writing (4th of December), I am 2 days away from being slaughtered by the fearsome attack of not one, but FOUR papers in exam’s week. Also, it’s 1 in the morning, and I’ve just slept for 5 hours last night.
So why am I still up, writing this? For one thing, I suddenly found myself getting excited over the next anime convention, imagining all the awesome stuff and awesome people that I expect to meet. But there’s another thing – something more significant – that made me to get up from bed, to write this… and that would be an old anime series that I’ve just finished marathoning (during exam week, even!)
So I was out getting sunburnt and scraped by thorns
Geologists call it 'fieldwork', layman may prefer to call it 'lurking in the middle of nowhere'. As for me... well, I'd say it's just another day of work.
For the last 4 days, I've been conducting a geological fieldwork to prepare my final year project's presentation. I've since went back and forth to several roadcuts in a rural area, about 40 Km plus from my house.
After regressing back into my old habit of staying in the room all day and taking it easy, it took me some time to adjust into spending half of the day examining geological features (i.e. rocks) in the fields, engaging in meticulous measuring and recording of data that would require a certain dedication (they can get pretty tedious and boring - and it's me that's talking here, heh).
Saturday, December 25, 2010
A christmas in the tropics
And it gets better: the said activity would presume for... I dunno, a week? Busy time for me indeed. But don't worry, I'm taking it easy; 's cool. I might write the followup in the next post, if I'm in the mood for it.
So basically, this is a post to say that I'll be on a sort-of hiatus for a week or so. I'll try to check out other people's posts when I'm done.
And of course, there's the Touhou girls and animus waiting for me as well. Just wait for me, I'll be back...

Enjoy your Christmas and weekend, guys!
Thursday, December 23, 2010
EoSD run
Monday, December 20, 2010
Comic Fiesta 2010
It was very tiring - I spend practically the whole day standing - and I was very very nervous on going to the event (on both day I actually had 'take it easy' chanting in my head on and on)...
But lemme tell you, that it was FUCKING AWESOME.
Friday, December 17, 2010
Wallpaper post, rants, CF
You may laugh for 3 minutes:
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Dreaming of Touhou
Also, I'm slowly going through the blogs that I've neglected in the past few days. I-it's not that I love reading all those posts by you guys or anything; I just have a lot of time to spend now!
You know, I always wanted to write about some of the dreams I had, but most of them are pretty sketchy to be put in words. Not to mention that they're pretty random as hell, and are rather... well, boring.

Friday, December 10, 2010
Backlog: movies
So, after I was done with finals, the first thing that I did was (trying) to get some sleep. But then I thought that sleeping would be a waste of time, so I decided to catch up on the movies that have sitting in my backlog for quite some time.

Usually I'm not really much of a movie watcher (2D > 3D, yeah!), but suddenly I was in the mood for it. Heck, I even attempted a sleep deprivation while I was watching them - I got KO-ed at 6 AM tho. It's around 12 ON here, and I'm still feeling a bit groggy.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Comedy is a powerful weapon
This guy, however, is awesome:
It's been a while since I've saw something that really cracked me up like this.
And as I promised in the last post, I have indeed finished my papers! Time to take it easy~
How's everyone doing?
P/S Whoops, so much for having a Touhou related post... well, uh, enjoy that Koishi pic :V
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Oh hey, procrastinatin
But, really, I'm trying my hard at going through the books. And my brain's cramped from all the reading - it's not as if I'm dependent on the internet or anything!
Actually, I interrupt my (very short) self-imposed hiatus because I want to share something that I found on dA:
Sunday, December 5, 2010
I promise myself I won't procrastinate...
So I've set a goal of not spending too much time on the internet, which are usually spent either by looking at Touhou fanarts/videos/doujins, searching for new series to add to my to-watch list, or more often that not, pressing F5 as I view pages of blogs and discussion board (wow that's so sad...)
Don't worry guys, I really plan to take it easy for these papers. I'll slowly go through em not that there'll be any good getting myself stressed over them anyway haha
Anyway, enough talking, it's time to go back to the books guys. brb~
PS: How's the winter going on (for those in the Northern part)? I've heard that things are getting pretty bad there...
PPS: have this one hot picture of Mokou (pun intended) to warm things up

Saturday, December 4, 2010
Discussion on weaboos - a continuation from a certain blog

We're gonna do a bit of inter-blog post discussion here. I’m kinda rambling here, so apologize for this, uhhh... quality post.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010

So much for easy modoing...
Today's paper was a disaster, I won't say anything else about it, except that I'm hoping that I'll at least past the paper. Don't want to be going for an extension of a semester man...
Anyway, have a bit of filler post, which is somewhat related to the next posts that I'm planning. Also, a small question at the end:
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Passion, opinion, writing

At the very least, stick around for some extras at the end. We got porn, yayy :V
Saturday, November 27, 2010
News: otaku groups

After listening to the rant of a certain self professed non-otaku, you might be interested to read this article of the market for otaku (sure, it's 5 years old... but it's still relevant I guess?)
After reading this article, which group of otaku do you fit in? While I've yet to reach the level of otaku, should I pursue the hobby (with a certain amount of funds, haha) I can see myself steering towards Type 3 Otaku.
In other news, I'm done with the exam for this week. 3 down, 6 more to go.
I really need to take it easy man - don't want to be getting them stomach ulcer...
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Procrastination is...

Anyway, since it's exam time here, and since I'm oh-so-busy procrastinating, I might as well write about my exam. To get myself to study... or something.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Yes we can
Lin Mun Poo, a Malaysian resident and citizen, was arrested on October 21 soon after entering the United States and was indicted by grand jury Thursday, the US attorney's office in Brooklyn said.
He allegedly hacked into the Cleveland, Ohio branch of the Fed, the US central bank, and in separate attacks also stole more than 400,000 card numbers, as well as breaching the defenses of numerous other systems.
Something to be proud of, Malaysia? :trollface:

inb4 Malaysia Bolehhhhhhh
P/S for the non Malay speaker, Boleh = Can.
Malaysia can... can what? Derp :V
It's a whole load of schist

I'm not gonna explain about it: the picture speaks for itself (that, and I should really get back to studying, heh)
Friday, November 19, 2010
So you think you're an otaku?

Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Procrastinating by Touhouing, Part 2

Warning: the videos here are mostly your kawaii-desu moestuff. Don't say I didn't warn ya =B
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Procrastinating by Touhouing, Part 1

I'm still high and dry
And don't forget their attack on the minister too. And his counter-attack. Bahhh politic shits.
Anywayyyy... I've been here for more than a week now, and my final starts in about a week. And what am I doing? Why, procrastinating, of course!

Last week, I had a sort-of-stress after I realized that I haven't done a worthwhile thing regarding studies. Not to mention that I haven't conducted the final year fieldwork, which on hindsight, I should have started even earlier than now.
But, after a while, I thought that, hey, no point getting a stomach ulcer ala Najib over these things, eh? Let's take it easy~ (yeah right...)
TL;DR: I'm still alive, going to have exam, busy procrastinating. Imma be writing what is it that I'm doing while I'm procrastinating: stay tune for the next post aight.
Monday, November 8, 2010
The show must go on
A good thing too, since I can't seem to study AT ALL here: it's not because of the uninterrupted (relatively) fast internet connection - tho that may contribute a bit to my lazyness - but I think this has more to do with the house that I'm staying, which encourage one to either sleep through the whole day, or to head out somewhere else.
By the way, here's a picture on the current flood at my place:

I'll be back, Alor Setar... I'll be back...
When the levee breaks
Mean old levee taught me to weep and moan
Lord, mean old levee taught me to weep and moan,
Got what it takes to make a mountain man leave his home,
Oh, well, oh, well, oh, well
When The Levee Breaks - Led Zeppelin
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Sometimes, when I think about it...
Monday, November 1, 2010
Animangaki 2010

I am of course not saying that I am one - I'm just not hardcore enough to be called as one. But I could totally relate to the point mentioned here.
Anyway, let's get down to the real content of this post:
Saturday, October 30, 2010
In which I attempt to analyze my problem
Sunday, October 24, 2010
They see me trolling
On Touhou: a brief history of a fan's procrastination
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Hang Tuah & co, animu style

Sound unlikely? You'd better believe it.
Let's learn English: the F word
It's not fishes by the way. Or fart. Or fun. Or freak. Yeah, that F word - don't act all innocent now eh?
Posting this 'cause I'm in the mood for shouting this word, heh.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Spur of the moment: building a problem
I'll be honest, politics and economics are two field that I practically have no knowledge of. Well, OK, that's not entirely true for the first case (it's sometime fun to hear debates between those politics people, not to mention that the word itself carry a bigger meaning than the one confined in elections), but I can't say the same for economics.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Spur of the moment: internet make information finding a hell lot easier
I'm planning to write similar posts in the future, too, so look forward for more of this type of posts)

Of Geodes, Geology, and Gempak
I'm not sure how many of people my age are still reading Gempak magazine, and from that number, I'm sure the number geologists there would be at an even smaller number.
Reason why I mentioned geologists is because of a recent ep in a ass-kicking chicks with some amount of pantsu shot comic series:

Thursday, October 14, 2010
A day in the life of a budak batu: the fieldworks
Right then: I figured that I’ll start with the aspect of geology that is not too technical, easy to relate with, and most importantly, something that I don’t have to crack my brain to find all the facts: it is the fieldwork of the geology course that I’ve been enrolled to.
Please read it easy~
(Disclaimer: no rocks were harmed during the writing of this post)
I got my fix
While it is true that I do get internet connection in the last few days (with the base at a top secret location), it is just not the same with accessing the net from my own room.
I hope they won't cut off the net so soon - it has been more than 3 weeks since we've gotten the wifi here. Bleh, good thing they didn't cut the water as well.

Yeah, yeah, I'm an internet addict, I admit it. Oh, and this college totally SUCKS. BIG TIME.
I'm done here ranting. Next post will be coming up very soon - look forward to it =D
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Friday, October 8, 2010
Down the drain
Internet is still down, so I'm spending my (internet browsing time) at a location that is, well, not really conductive for internet browsing (mainly because it's 'indecent' to do so - get the hint?)

Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Banning anime in Malaysia?
An anime enthusiast would have complained that anime is getting the same treatment like it did when the article in question came out way back, but think about it:
Monday, September 13, 2010
The Star (13/9/10)
Anyway, I thought that these are too good to pass up, and so would take a minute or two to put it up here:

(as usual, click for larger resolution
a certain grip of geology would certainly help in appreciating these comics
...not much though, ahaha)
Mah blogger homie is on the newspaper!
Or, are you now sitting in front of your PC, browsing through the net, just like a certain bored blogger?
Anyway, there's this one pretty interesting article on the newspaper just a day before Raya, and let me quote it:
Hidden Illuminati symbols can be found in the design and shape of both delicacies, at least according to a young Malay blogger, Lufkin. The checkerboard folds of ketupat wrapping, and scroll-like shape of the lemang have sinister meanings, he said in his blog post.

Wow, this Lufkin must be one crazy conspiracy theorist, right?
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
The hottest thing now, mang!
And just as with the said entry, my response to this whole situation is:

Let the facepalming commence!
Monday, September 6, 2010
Imma let you finish

A post on a meme? That's so unlike me
...not that I'm known for a distinctive writing style or anything, heh
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Death on the road
So like any other good university student, I brought a bus ticket for a trip yesterday (Saturday), since I don't want to get myself in a traffic jam, when all the students are going back after classes are done on Friday.
But anyway, I'm not going to talk about the bus services, or about the current hoo-ha on some of the 'death trap' hotspots during the Raya season.
Allow me to show you a few road ads (not signs, see) that I encountered during the trip back home, which are ominous, meh, and WTF (not necessarily in that order):
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Things on the internet that make you want to facepalm
I brought this topic up because of this rather famous e-mail that one of my Facebook contact posted in his wall:

Thursday, August 26, 2010
Director Satoshi Kon passed away

TOKYO – Acclaimed Japanese animated film director Satoshi Kon, known for "Tokyo Godfathers," "Millennium Actress" and other prize-winning movies, has died of pancreatic cancer. He was 46.
Considered one of Japan's most exciting directors of animated films, or "anime," Kon was born in 1963 on the island of Hokkaido and debuted as a comic book artist at age 23 while still an art student at Musashino Art University near Tokyo. He began making animated films about 1990, establishing a style that blurred the boundaries of reality and fantasy.
Kon died Tuesday, his wife Kyoko said in a statement released on his official website, Kon's Tone.
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Music the great communicator
Anyway, I figured that after my rambling on anime watching, I'd talk a bit on my music listening. Bear with me as I go on for a bit of rambling...
My brother once described my music taste as 'indie'. He was of course not really comparing my choice of musicians to that of the so-called 'indie musicians' - what he was merely pointing out was that I listen to many different genre of music - with some genre that is even rather hard to pinpoint.
Friday, August 20, 2010
On internet: use your HEAD
Marriage and Facebook? Doesn't sound too good, right?
Dread of the unknown hung in the air as Lynn France typed two words into the search box on Facebook: the name of the woman with whom she believed her husband was having an affair.
Click. And there it was, the stuff of nightmares for any spouse, cuckolded or not. Wedding photos. At Walt Disney World, no less, featuring her husband literally dressed as Prince Charming. His new wife, a pretty blonde, was a glowing Sleeping Beauty, surrounded by footmen.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Radiohead have great song (and great video too)
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Not wanting to be called a hypocrite...
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Mandatory Ramadhan post
With that being said, I would like to wish everyone out there a happy Ramadhan - and take care of your health (there's been a lot of flu recently, and the image of a lecture hall where practically everyone is coughing is somewhat unnerving)
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Calling all animu fans!
I'm of course talking about Japanophile, a.k.a. the condition (or disease? lol!) where a non-Japanese person have an affinity with the land of the rising sun. Or as the great wiki sums it: "Japanophilia is an interest in, or love of, Japan and all things Japanese. (Its opposite is Japanophobia.) One who has such an interest or love is a Japanophile."
Friday, August 6, 2010
Touhou: the other side of the game
I’ll be honest about Touhou: I’ve heard about it way back since last year, but I’ve never actually check it out until about a few month ago.
And I’ve since then come to be a big fan of Touhou, and while it’s still too soon to say so, I think I’ll continue to stick around the series for quite a while.
Anyway, moving on to the post…

Jun'ya Ota @ ZUN, the loli loving, booze drinking, awesome creator of Touhou
Jun, a certain geologist from a certain university from a certain country (no relationship with the former, but related to yours truly)
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Let's play indie game #3: Touhou
Anyway, we'll now look at the shoot em up indie game, Touhou.
Monday, July 26, 2010
Let's cosplay as politicians!
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Let's play indie game #2: Cave Story
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
There's nothing wrong with the blog title
Anyway, there's a reason for that, as shown by this song:
(skip straight to 0:37- 0:40)
And that's all there is to it =P
Let's play indie game #1: Tower of Heaven
Let's start of with perhaps the most challenging out of them:
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Doodles & indie games
After I saw that I can't seem to sit down and finish my assignment, I decided to sit down and do a bit of doodling:
Saturday, July 10, 2010
In the same vein with last entry
Here’s three shots from last weekend, of folds (some kinky) which deform Harpers Formation foliation, just south of Harpers Ferry, West Virginia
Can you guess the key word there? C: (I'm sure the author wasn't really thinking of wordplaying when writing the entry)
This reminds me of someone who was grinning at the mention of 'lipatan ketat' (tight folds, in Bahasa Melayu), haha
You know you're obsessed with geology...
I wish I could say it involves a degree of cleavages (the tectonic varieties, you perverts =P) or faults (again, the tectonic varieties), but it actually involves some sort of ogling at outcrops and getting all excited.
Well, I guess from one point, it's not so bad after all (tho I suppose most would have otherwise prefer more... exciting ones, ohoho).
Guess I could consider myself as a true blue geologist then (hahaha).
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Hoax in geology
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Why geology?
Friday, July 2, 2010
Spur of the moment
Of course, I'd think that was more of a rhetorical question.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Bring down the government
(No Surprises - Radiohead)
I was somewhat amused at this news: I don't know about you, but don't you think they're kinda blowing things off proportion here when they said, "All three publications have been banned for their contents that can influence the people to revolt against the leaders and government policies"?
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Why life is stranger than fiction
But of course, we pointed out that real life wouldn't be like that. In fact, it's a lot more complex. I mean, think about it:
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Ads 101
Anyone who's from here would have noticed these two ads: one for Samsung air conditioner and Nippon paint. While these two products seems totally different from each other, they both share the same claim: that is, the ability to absorb and neutralize harmful substances (they are virus and bacterias, and formaldehyde, respectively)
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
In the beginning
Well, I guess it's suffice to know that, after some time thinking (and seeing a few people that I knew blogging, lol), I decided that I'd create a blog to, more or less, express some of my thoughts.
And yes, like the blog's name suggest, expect the posts to be more geology oriented (or, at the very least, with a dash of geology). But I really think that I'd actually end up writing whatever it is that comes to mind (see text at the side)... so yes, expect random writings a-coming.
Personal stuff will be kept low (hey, that's what LJ are for right?)
And that's all for now.