And, just like my birthday post way back, I post this one later than the original date as well.

After inception from 16th June 2010 - starting as what originally is going to be quasi-academical plus everything else besides that - the blog slowly drifted apart through several topics, where it now settles down to cover mostly Touhou, anime, music, (mostly) random rants and everything else besides that. Guess nothing much have changed during that time huh?
So as this won't be a short 'I just made a random post lolololol' I'll explain where I came up with the current internet username (which is admittedly long, and doesn't make sense).
Anyone who know me well may (or may not) know that I'm a sucker for puns. So while I was figuring out what to put as my username for this blog, two things came into mind: 1) faults, which is one of the many geological structure, and 2) Fujiwara no Mokou (which was - and still - my favourite Touhou character at that time).
And as I tried to link those two, I thought, 'hey, those 'faults' are not as 'faulty' as their name suggests... now that's an idea...'
Mokou is not amusedYeap, that was lame wasn't it?
Anyway, since I don't think I'll be posting anything for a while, I'll open the comment section for any questions/comment for the blogs/any random words that is related to this blog. Want me to write anything in particular for the next posts? Think there's something in the blog that needs modification? Or just wanted to ask any random question about me, but never have the chance?
Post them up down there in the comment section~