Near mid of December already. And
that one event is just less than a week away. And I'm not properly ready for it yet. Got some stuff that I have to finalize.
This year I'm not coming to the event in civilian clothes. Yeap, it's what you think it is. Nervous + anxious + excited + I wonder what will happen on that day. Might let out more on that in post-event review. Maybe.
Slow progress on Master application. Planning to do so next week, see the head of department and stuff. Go meet lecturers. Have lunch with dudes I haven't seen for a while. Plan plan plan plan. The cogs and wheels in my head are turning. I'm writing haiku in my head to put things into perspective (wait, what)
...OK. Got a whole load of stuff in my backlog, but those might be pushed in times when I don't have anything to write. Or just sit there for god knows how long.
Why am I writing all this. I dunno. Just for the sake of writing I guess. Gehhhhhhh
Ah well, random pic, since I don't know what else to put as filler. Have at it:
Writing will probably resume after christmas. Or after next weekend.
Take it easy guys~