It's finally here!
I'll be enrolling in Master program soon. Have to go through the usual registration, and on top of that, I need to move out from where I'm currently staying. Lots of moving around, so I'll be all over the place in the next couple of days, so to speak.
I'll never get tired of this scene
Also, today's my birthday. Didn't really do anything, since it's working day and all. Went and treat myself to lunch this one restaurant which I don't usually go on normal days. I'm also thinking of going to this other restaurant which I've never went to - just for the heck of it.
I'm getting older, but am I wiser? I hope so.
I wish that I won't be regretting anything I've done presently in the future. There's a few disappointment and regret about the past, sure, but I guess no one is truly satisfied about his past.
This one too
Well. Take it easy guys.
