
Monday, February 17, 2020

Faults' Artists Highlight: Hiroaki Samura

Welcome to Faults' Artists Highlight, where I write about artists or works whom I took influence from, the ones which I admire, or artists whose works which I found fascinating. In the series, I will be writing about my experience with the highlighted artists, attempting to identify aspects of their works that resonated with me.

As is the case with most people, my entry point into the work of Hiroaki Samura is through what is widely considered his magnum opus, the almost 20 year long running Blade of the Immortal series. I had joined in the series quite late - a bit past when the series was to be halfway of its total run - and the exact moment I first came across his name was not from finding out about the series itself per se, but rather having read an interview with an artist that namedrop Samura as well as Terada as one of his influences.